to the Energy Park Krvavec, where you will fill your body and soul with vital energy at any of the sixteen energy points. Each one has a specific effect on our body so choose the ones that currently best suit you according to the description. And if you just want to improve your general well-being sit on any of the benches and enjoy the energies.

We have provided optimal stay time at each point for your reference. If you want you can shorten or extend your stay at each energy point, but the best thing you can do is to just listen to the subtle feelings in your body, it knows best.

Each energy point influences us in three different ways:

  • Has a direct effect on individual parts of the body
  • Stimulates the functioning of the chakras, which then further influence the related organs
  • Next to each point, there is also a selected attraction symbol© that will enrich you with its energy


Each of the 16 Energy points is marked with different colors.


Display of points on the map.


Overview of all points. Clicking on a point will display the content of the energy point.


Clicking this button will start the journey and take you to the next energy point.


Clicking this button will take you to the previous energy point.